
AI Investment Product – Client Coverage, Associate

2023/12/21 01:06

주요 업무

Work as integral member of AI Investment Product Team as Associate level to provide support in investment strategies and models for institutional clients.
Offer assistance in developing and maintaining client relationships through engaging clients as strategic advisor through insights on capital markets.
Partner closely within AI Investment Product specialists and AI Research team to support in developing strategies based on client needs.
Have overall oversight by managing and reviewing client portfolio and strategies on an ongoing basis with senior members of the team.
Contribute in overall revenue growth with new prospects and existing clients as Client Coverage in a front office role.

자격 요건

Minimum 3 years of work experience in financial institutions as EQD (Equity Derivative) specialist, ETF Sales, ETF Marketing, or Product Development.
Proactive individual who can generate marketable ideas and share with institutional clients and intermediaries.
Possess good understanding of equities, fixed income, and other structured products (DLB, ELB, ELS, etc).
Team player who can partner closely with the team and other stakeholders within the firm at all layers.
Bachelor's Degree holder in Business Administration, Finance & Investment, or other relevant field.
Native in Korean and strong English communication skills – written and verbal.

우대 사항

Worked in a renowned financial institution, in an investment bank or fund house, as financial product sales marketing, sales trading, or development manager.
Strong passion to work in a client facing role with keen interest in financial markets, particularly in equities and fixed income markets.
Existing relationship with institutional clients such as insurers, asset managers, equity brokerages, and commercial banks in Korea can be a plus.

혜택 및 복지

Work & Life
Refresh 휴가 지원(2년 만근시 2주간 휴가)
최상의 업무환경 제공(직무별 맞춤사양 PC/주변기기)
선택적 근로시간제 운영(유연한 출/퇴근시간 선택 가능)
Shall We Have Lunch(월 2회 중식비 제공)
Come Together(월 1회 소모임 비용 지원)
매년 정밀 건강검진 지원(1인당 30만원 상당, 배우자/부모 포함 최대 4인 지원)
조식/간식 서비스 제공(매일 간편식/스낵 제공)
선택적 복리후생 제도 운영(연간 120만원 상당 포인트 지원)
N사 최저가 보다 저렴한 Q-Point Mall 운영
매월 IFC 입주사 Benefit 제공

지원 프로세스

채용 담당자 이메일(으로 resume/cv/포트폴리오 제출
서류전형 > 1차 인터뷰>2차 인터뷰>3차 인터뷰> 처우 협상 > 입사
전형 과정 중에 후보자 사전동의 후 평판조회 진행 가능
정규직의 경우, 3개월의 수습기간 운영
수습기간 평가 후 수습종료 또는 연장 가능